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Hello & thanks for popping by my website!


I'm Lou - a photographer, wife, mummy & all round friendly soul, living and working on the Fylde Coast in Lancashire.


I've loved taking pictures for as long as I care to remember, and I feel blessed to now be able to do what I love for a living....I'm a lucky lady!


Its hard not to sound cliche when I try to explain why I love being a Photographer...but its really just about capturing the moments & memories that matter to people - special days & the special people in your life!


I really think the key to getting photographs you will love, is that you are relaxed, have fun & trust that the person taking your picture will capture you in your best light....and that is what I work REALLY hard to do. Whether it be a reluctant teen, an overexcited toddler or a nervous bride, I have a whole load of tricks up my sleeve to ensure we get the best results from your shoot!


A few things you should know about me -

I love.... my beautiful girls, my hubby, taking pictures, chocolate, cooking shows, Cosmopolitans (but not more than 2!), weddings, blowing bubbles, being a good friend, my hens, holidays & sunshine!


(I do not love....writing "about me" sections for my website!)


I hope you enjoy looking at the images on my site - I had a ball taking each & every one - and I look forward to capturing YOUR moments that matter....beautifully! 

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